There are many things going on in Research 1 (sounds like a deep space probe, eh?). Here they are:

  1. Daily Ponderance – You can catch up on those if you follow this link.
  2. Concept Maps – Organize and expand your mind simultaneously.
    • You want to understand what this is all about? Take a look at this concept map.
    • You want to know what the assignment is for class? Take a look at this.
  3. Student Blog Project – Your first assignment can be found here.
  4. Students’ Personal Discussion Topics
    • Remember, this has to go through the entire writing process: ideas, ideas, ideas that become a DRAFT; that DRAFT is proofed (by someone not familiar with your writing), edited and redrafted by you. After you redraft, you must read it and ask yourself, “Is this done? Is it clearly put forth with no holes in the logic?” If there is something wrong or missing, then redraft, etc. etc. etc. Do this until you are satisfied that it is done. Then get my approval. After you get my approval . . . . Post your Discussion Question
    • Remember, your Discussion Question must follow the format for, dare I say, an FCAT (there I said it) style introduction. You must hook the reader, lead the reader to the topic, and then pop the Discussion Question on the reader. After you have taken the Discussion Question through the entire writing process and attained my approval, post it. These get posted on YOUR WEBSITES. Sweet, huh?
  5. The Year of the Hangman: How did it end?
    • Remember, this has to go through the entire writing process: ideas, ideas, ideas that become a DRAFT; that DRAFT is proofed (by someone not familiar with your writing), edited and redrafted by you. After you redraft, you must read it and ask yourself, “Is this done? Is it clearly put forth with no holes in the logic?” If there is something wrong or missing, then redraft, etc. etc. etc. Do this until you are satisfied that it is done. Then get my approval. After you get my approval . . . . Post your Alternate Ending here.
    • Remember, your Alternate Ending must have or describe a basic plot structure.
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