The Great Student Blog Project – Stage 1
PARENTS! Parent Authorization Form
- This form is required in order to ensure that you, your parent(s)/legal guardians, and I are all on the same page. It is essential that everyone be aware of what the website is intended for, how it will be applied, and how we will be monitoring it.
- Fill out this Google form – PARENT AUTHORIZATION FORM for Student Website
- OR Download the Parent Authorization Form for Student Website form, fill it out, then send it in with your child.
Stage 1a – Get Set Up
- Everyone will have to publish (after taking work through the entire creative process) the same basic pages on their sites. Additional pages can be added per my approval and proof of the entire creative/writing process.
- When it comes to comments people send in to your website pages or posts, a comment or post MUST be approved before it can post. This is a setting that must be made in the Settings area of the site. Do not approve comments written by people who we do not know. If you approve comments by people we do not know, your site will be deleted. Get parental/teacher approval first.
- You may approve comments by people we know, such as:
- classmates with the email addresses we know
- classmates with Edublogs addresses we have in our links lists
- teachers who now teach you or have taught you in this school system
- administrators at this school or at other schools you’ve attended
- your parents and/or legal guardians
Stage 1b – Meet & Greet
TODAY’S Task – Meet your group members, get acquainted. You’ll be put into 4 person groups for various projects throughout the year. You will have to work with them one way or another for everything that goes into your websites. You will create some kind of presentation that will introduce your group members to anyone who sees the presentation. This can be done as a Social Media post, slides, movie, song, music video, pamphlet/brochure. Include all of what is listed below. DISCUSS THIS.
- 1 group picture
- 1 Individual headshot of each member of the team.
- Everyone’s names
- In terms of schooling: What are strengths?
- In terms of schooling: What are weaknesses?
- What is each team member’s favorite type of ART.
- literature, music, craft art, fine art, sculpture, stage acting, television episodes, street art, many others to choose from.
- The last really interesting thing each member saw or witnessed? 3-5 sentences
- COMMIT to one job for the first week. Jobs will rotate weekly. Your presentation must introduce the team and what jobs you’ll all be doing for that first week.
- Author1/Author – You will be the creative force for your art. Your art will go through changes after it leaves your care and before it gets back to you. If you do not like the changes made by your publishing house, you may revert the draft back to your original form. You will redraft your own art as you see fit to do that only once after it gets back to your care.
- Author2/Editor – You will scrutinize Author1’s work. You will NOT revise the work. You will ONLY proof and mark up the text for any/every grammar and punctuation correction that must be made. You may make other suggestions for where you feel Author1 could provide more detail (5 senses), more character development, better driving plot, better setting descriptions, etc… Any suggestions you want to make, you may make. Keep it pleasant and receptive. You don’t want to push Author1 away from their creative force.
- Author3/Copy Editor- You will take all the suggestions made by Author2, the Editor. You will make all of the grammar and punctuation corrections to the text. You may, but do not have to, make any changes suggested by Author2 besides grammar and punctuation. You may NOT make any changes not indicated by Author2.
- Author4/Publisher – You will publish this work on your website giving credit to the authors editors. You must include graphic representation(s) that connect with the art being published. You may not publish text only. There must be some kind of visual accompanying the art. You may comment on it as you see fit. Be kind and supportive.
There it is. That’s what you need to do for this task.
- Author1 – NAME1 – Author – Idea Generating
- Author1 – NAME1 – Author – Drafting
- Author2 – NAME2 – Editor – Proofreading
- Author3 – NAME3 – Copy Editor – Revising/Editing
- Author1 – NAME1 – redrafting for publication
- Author4 – NAME4 – Publisher – Final Art
You will create some kind of presentation that will introduce your group members to anyone who sees the presentation. This can be done as a Social Media post, slides, movie, song, music video, pamphlet/brochure. Include all of what is listed below. Get to it.
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