Content Areas Knowledge
I thought it would be a good idea for me to have some detailed knowledge across the curriculum of BEST PRACTICES so i could refer to some stuff I know something about (rather than just throw some terminology out there) on the SLLA exam.
I started with a GOOGLE SEARCHES in each subject area. Then I went through the results looking for what I would deem authoritative out there on the net. I generally tried to go with school district websites, educationally professional websites and blogs, and non-school district research-based (when possible peer-reviewed) results. I did not use, although I could have, online research resources such as infotrac, proquest, etc. My searching was more fluid and organic this way. The lists below are, as all knowledge will always be, incomplete.
If you find something missing, a link dead, or any other concern you feel needs to be addressed, please post a comment to this page, and I will act on it as soon as possible.
Best Practices in GENERAL
-’ s Division of School Improvement: Strategies and Best Practices
- Some things I read all over the place that seem to apply to all subject areas: differentiation, learning styles inventories; small teacher to student ratios
Best Practices By Subject Area
- Technology Integration
- Reading
- Read aloud, reader’s theater, reading reflection and journaling, use of reading logs, independant material selection, differentiated instruction, teacher modeling of skills and real-time aloud comprehension with allusions, higher level questioning, open discussion, strutured discussion
- An article/interview on Reading First and NCLB
- Writing
- Davidson County Schools offered this page on writing best practices
- Dana Huff teaches on many levels and wrote this piece on writing best practices
- This page on writing best practices offered by NC DPI is kind useful.
- Ideas for writing in the science area.
- Science
- Technology Integration in Science
- National Science Teachers Association – NSTA Position Statement:Leadership in Science Education
- The Glenn Report
- Social Studies
- Technology integration in social studies
- Things I read all over the place: Portfolios, Classroom Libraries,
- Vertical Curriculum Alignment for SS
- Mathematics
- Technology integration in Math
- NCTM – Being the best teacher you can be in 2005 (dated but good)
- Illuminations:Activities from the NCTM
- Oath for teachers of Mathematics
- Madison Metropolitan School District posted this Mathematics Task Force Report.
- English/Language Arts
- Technology integration in English/LA
- Best Practices on English/Language Arts – this is an older document but it had useful information.
- Electives
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