The Hound of the Baskervilles – Period 5 Discussion #3
Period 5
Read the topics below. Please pick one of the following topics (A, B, C, D). When you post your answer, tell us what discussion topic (A, B, C, D) you have decided on, then give us your response.
For this discussion, you will have to read outside resources I have provided before addressing the question.
- Be very detailed in your answer.
- Refer to the resource you used.
- Refer to specific details in the book.
Remember, everything should be logically explained.
Discussion Topic A – Gothic Fiction
The gothic novel was a type of fiction that became popular in England during the late 1700’s and early 1800’s (World Book Online) . . . a melodramatic mode of English fiction of the late 18th and the early 19th century (Grolier Online). The Hound of the Baskervilles was published in 1902 (not within the accepted range of dates noted above), however it could qualify as a Gothic Novel.
- Information for this discussion can be found at
- B.E.E.P. – You know the way there.
- Go through Doorway #2: Research & HW Help.
- Go to Grolier Online/Middle or World Book/Middle.
- Search for gothic novel.
- Read the first article that comes up.
- Go through Doorway #2: Research & HW Help.
- The Gothic Novel page at The University of Adelaide Library’s website
- Gothic, Novel, and Romance: Brief Definitions page at Washington State University’s website
- B.E.E.P. – You know the way there.
Discussion Topic A QUESTION: What elements of gothic fiction are present in The Hound of the Baskervilles? Use details and information from the text to support your answer.
Discussion Topic B – Stereotyping
Stereotyping is the act of holding or promoting generalized and oversimplified beliefs about members of a group (World Book Online). Many of the problems we face in day to day life related to sxism, racism, descrimination, and intolerance have their foundation in this practice.
- Information for this discussion can be found in these and other places.
- B.E.E.P. – You know the way there.
- Go through Doorway #2: research & HW Help
- Go to Grolier Online/Middle or World Book/Middle
- Search for stereotyping, or gender stereotyping
- Go through Doorway #2: research & HW Help
- Read this page called Teen’s Ideas on Gender Stereotypes. It’s really a plan for a class discussion we could hold.
- You could also read this article at ERIC Digest.
- You may find this Gender Stereotypes Analysis Chart helpful in organizing your answer.
- B.E.E.P. – You know the way there.
Discussion Topic B QUESTION: Are the characters in the Hound of the Baskervilles stereotypes? If so, explain why Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used. Use details and information from the text to support your answer.
Discussion Topic C – Conflict in the Novel (Plot)
Conflict is the struggle between the opposing forces on which the action in a work of literature depends. There are five basic forms of conflict: person versus person, person versus self, person versus nature, person versus society, and person versus God (
- Information for this discussion can be found in these and other places.
- Read the article, Conflict in Fiction, at Fiction
- You can also find information about this topic on my page on PLOT.
- Mrs. Dowling’s page on Conflict is brief and informative.
- You could use this Conflict Type Chart to map the conflicts you find in the novel.
- Ms. Engram’s English Classroom page on Short Story Elements offers some very useful information on conflict.
- You could watch this presentation on Plot & Conflict.
- This PLOT DIAGRAM may help you work out your answer.
Discussion Topic C QUESTION: What are the main conflicts in the novel? Are they all resolved? If so, how? If not, why not? Use details and information from the text to support your answer.
Discussion Topic D – Climax & Resolution in the Novel (Plot)
Climax is the point of greatest tension in a work of literature and the turning point in the action. In a plot line, the climax occurs after the rising action and before the falling action (
- Information for this discussion can be found in these and other places.
- You can also find information about this topic on my page on PLOT.
- You could watch this presentation on Plot & Conflict.
- This PLOT DIAGRAM may help you work out your answer.
Discussion Topic D QUESTION: At what point does the climax occur in the story? What events clearly led up to it and what is the resolution of the novel? Use details and information from the text to support your answer.
This discussion is closed. Thanks!!
I chose Dicussion Topic D
The climax is the turning point of the story when the loose ends are finally connected ( My page on plot).The cimax of the story is when the monsterous hound attacks Sir Henrey. The events leding to the climax is when Waston finds that Holmes is the man who was hiding in one of the huts in the Tor. This allowed Holmes and Watson to combine their infomation and let Holmes solve who killed Sir Charles, it was Stapleton. Also the picture of Hugo Baskervilles that looked like Stapleton reveled his reasons for killing Sir Charles and trying to kill Sir Henrey, which was owning the fortune. Then there is the information Laura Lyons gives about Stapleton telling her he loves her and canceling the appointment with Sir Charles. Finally leading to the moment Sir Henrey leaves Merripit House and Stapleton makes his move by releasing the devilish hound.
The resolution is the events after the climax( My page on Plot).The resolution is when they kill the hound that attacked Sir Henrey. Then, when they find Mrs.Stapleton tied up in the house. Next is when Mrs.Stapleton guides them through the Grat Grimpen Mire, finding Henrey’s boot and where Stapleton hid the hound.Finally, concluding through Stapleton’s haste in the fog he fall and sank in the Grimpen Mire.
Topic A- Gothic Fiction
Gothic Fiction is about mysterious dissapearances, ghosts, chilling descriptons, exploiting or uncovering cruelty, chilling horrors and a variety of horrors. I belive that in the book it has Gothic fiction in it. Like for example, as we read in class chapter 14, it described what the “Hound of The Baskervilles” looked like from the characters point of view. It said “A hound it was, an enormous coal-black hound, but notsuch a hound as mortal eyes have ever seen. Fire burst from itsopen mouth, its eyes glowed with a smouldering glare, its muzzle
and hackles and dewlap were outlined in flickering flame. Never in the delirious dream of a disordered brain could anything more
savage, more appalling, more hellish be conceived than that darkform and savage face which broke upon us out of the wall of fog.” And it also warned about the Baskervilles curse, in chapter 2, as what Natasha said, which then shows that the grueling descriptions in both Chapters 14 and 2 shows that this is novel is also a gothic fiction book.
I forgot to list the source. The source was
Teen’s Ideas on Gender Stereotypes
Topic A – Gothic Fiction
There are many things to show that the book is like Gothic fiction.For example,even though gothic fiction may have started earlier than when the book was published,it was still very popular around that time. Also on the website for The University Of Adelaide it says that Gothic fiction is Literary genre which features things like mystery,doom,hereditary curses and things like that.And in “The Hound of the Baskervilles” there is alot of mystery and family curses.I know this because in chapter 2,it is pretty much only discussing the curse of the Baskerville Family.This book is also a mystery because they are trying to break the curse of the family,and there happen to be a lot of twists and turns along the way.And those are the main reasons in why i think this book is related to goth fiction.
I chose discussion topic b-stereotyping:
A stereotype is a standardized conception or image of a specific group of people or objects. Stereotypes are direct expressions of beliefs and values. The characters in the Hound of Baskerville are stereotypes. Sherlock Holmes can definitely be called a macho detective who knows everything and thinks he is right about everything. In other words, he’s “Mr. Know It All.” In the article titled “Teen’s Ideas on Gender Stereotypes, it illustrates that to act like a man in our society you would need to have certain characteristics such as to be macho, aggressive, stand up for self, not back down, tough and to be a leader. All these traits were traits which Sherlock Holmes showed throughout the novel. An example of Sherlock Holmes showing these traits is when he told Watson that he was quite wrong when they both were examining the walking stick. Even though Watson gave his opinion, Sherlock Holmes advised him that he did not get facts of the investigation quite right. Apparently, it was not up to Sherlock Holmes standard because he knew better than anyone else.
I choose Discussion Topic A – Gothic Fiction.
“The Gothic novel is a literary genre, in which the prominent features are mystery, doom, decay, old buildings with ghosts in them, madness, hereditary curses and so on. ” (
“The plots of Gothic novels included mysterious and supernatural events intended to frighten the reader. The stories were called Gothic because most of them took place in gloomy, medieval castles built in the Gothic style of architecture.” (
Even though the Hound of the Baskervilles wasn’t made in the time period gothic novels were published, I still think the book is considered a gothic novel. The elements in The Hound of the Baskervilles that make it a gothic novel are the mystery, doom, hereditary curses, the setting was a castle, and the story includes mysterious and supernatural events.
In the story, Holmes and Watson are trying to solve the mystery of who or what is trying to kill the Baskervilles and why. The story took place on the Baskerville estate which was a castle that wasn’t a very pleasant place to live because it was very large and gloomy with few people living in it. The hound of the Baskervilles was a supernatural creature because it was believed to be a creature the size of a small lioness that was over 100 years old and hunted down the Baskervilles to slay them. No hound can really be or do any of those things. The story also involves doom because anyone in the Baskerville family that sets foot on the moor will meet his doom because of the curse.
These are some of the ways The Hound of the Baskervilles is a gothic novel.
I chose T0pic C.
The main conflicts in the story is the “Hound of the Baskervilles” of course and the death of Sir Charles Baskerville. Both conflicts are resolved because in Chapter 13 in the book it was proven that Mr.Stapleton of Merripit House killed Sir Charles Baskerville. He killed Charles so he can take over the estate. Which means that there was never a hound and that it was just a legend. A legend is an unverifiable story handed down by tradition. In this case no one can verify that they have seen the hound.
I believe jodi-ann gave great ideas of the topic but in future reference i believe she should give more details.
I chose Discussion Topic A-Gothic Fiction
Gothic fiction is an important genre of literature that combines parts of horror and romance. It is thought that gothic fiction was started in 1764 by the author Horace Walpole with his novel “The Castle of Otranto”. Gothic fiction can include terror, mystery, the supernatural, ghosts , mystery,curses(so on).
“The Hound of Baskervilles” is gothic fiction. The story is mainly a mystery story and mystery is one example of gothic fiction. The whole story is about Holmes and Watson trying to find out the strange deaths of the Baskervilles on the Baskerville moor and who is behind it. It is easy to see that this is a mystery. As it states in the Forewordof the book on “ix” “The Hound of Baskervilles is the perfect mysery”
Another way that this is a gothic fiction is that it is said by Dr. Mortimer in the beginning of the story when he first comes to Sherlock Holmes for help about the strange deaths of the Baskervilles ,that the Baskerville family was cursed by the Hound of Baskerville. Curses are a common example of a gothic fiction.As it says page 17 ch. 2, “Such is the tale, my sons, of the coming of the hound that is said to have plagued the family”. Plagued is basically another name for curse.
Discussion Topic A QUESTION: What elements of gothic fiction are present in The Hound of the Baskervilles? Use details and information from the text to support your answer.
The gothic novel was a type of fiction that became popular in England during the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Gothic novels usually included mysterious and supernatural events intended to scare the reader. Many took place in medieval castles built in the Gothic style of architecture. Most Gothic novels were set in Italy or Spain because those countries seemed remote and mysterious to the English. (worldbook online)
Although The Hound of the Baskervilles was not in this time period or the same location, it is still considered a Gothic novel. This book most certainly contains mysterious and supernatural events. Also, the setting is very close to the castles and medieval buildings classified as gothic architecture.
I Chose Topic C.
Conflict is the struggle between the opposing forces on which the action in a work of literature depends. There are five basic forms of conflict: person versus person, person versus self, person versus nature, person versus society, and person versus God (
There were but two major conficts in the novel
“Hound Of The Baskervilles”. I feel that those conflicts are who or what killed Sir. Charles Baskerville and What is “The Hound Of The Baskervilles”.
The first conflict is with Sir. Charles Baskerville and who or what murdered him.(The Hound Of The Baskervilles)
The second conflict is when Sherlock Holmes comes into the story and Dr. Mortimer tells him about hound that stalked the Baskerville family for roughly a century and how Holmes didn’t believe that a hound could survive for such a long time also how could a hound be so huge that when the friends of Sir. Hugo Baskerville saw the hound they died with frieght and regretfulness in their hearts.
I chose Discussion Topic A-Gothic Fiction
Gothic fiction is an important genre of literature that combines parts of horror and romance. It is thought that gothic fiction was started in 1764 by the author Horace Walpole with his novel “The Castle of Otranto”. Gothic fiction can include terror, mystery, the supernatural, ghosts , mystery,curses(so on).
“The Hound of Baskervilles” is gothic fiction. The story is mainly a mystery story and mystery is one example of gothic fiction. The whole story is about Holmes and Watson trying to find out the strange deaths of the Baskervilles on the Baskerville moor and who is behind it. It is easy to see that this is a mystery.
Another way that this is a gothic fiction is that it is said by Dr. Mortimer in the beginning of the story when he first comes to Sherlock Holmes for help about the strange deaths of the Baskervilles ,that the Baskerville family was cursed by the Hound of Baskerville. Curses are a common example of a gothic fiction.
The topic I choose was A.
Gothic novel was a type of fiction that became popular in England during the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. The story contains Gothic features because it has mystery and supernatural events intended to frighten who ever is reading. The story is called Gothic because most of the story’s took place in gloomy place. Also may occur in medieval castles built in Gothic style of architecture.
In the book it contains an abundance of secret passages, dungeons, towers, that have setting for weird actions to take place. For example when Hugo locked the girl in his dungeon to do something evil. Is aimed to evoke terror using mystery, cruelty, and a lot of horror. Another example that the book has is that they were trying to find out who killed the baskervilles.
Or possibly what killed the baskervilles. In the 1800’s elements of the Gothic novel appeared in other forms of fiction that shared its interest in the terrible and exotic. Such as Frankenstein and Wuthering Heights. I the 1900’s romantic adventures called Gothic novels but were focused on love not terror.All the information was on
sorry on the last comment i accidentally clicked submit
I chose Discussion Topic A-Gothic Fiction
Gothic fiction is an important genre of literature
I choose discussion topic #3
the term gothic ” more implies that something is imaginative ”( go groiler .com ) . Gothic novels implies doom, despare, decay, and so on “The Gothic novel offered English fiction” in “new symbolic and dramatic patterns that survived in later and greater novels,” such as the Hound of the Baskervilles. (
Some elements of gothic fiction that are present in The Hound of the Baskervilles is first you can tell that The Hound of the Baskervilles “largely implies a complex and persistent imaginative tradition.” ( It is not everyday that you know or heard of someone who is bieng attacked by a Hound, so it is deffinetly imaginative. The book, The Hound f the Baskerville, clearly states: “And even as they looked the thing
tore the throat out of Hugo Baskerville.” (The Hound of the Baskervilles, paragraph 15)
the Gothic Novel also implies “hereditary curses and so on.” ( The book, The Hound fo the Baskervilles, states: “Such is the tale, my sons, of the coming of the hound which has been rumored to have plagued the family so sorely ever since.” The Hound Of the Baskervilles . The following are only two of the many ways that The Hound of the Baskervilles can be considered as an Gothic Novel.
I agree with Ben because he said gothic fiction has to do with medieval stuff. Something i would like to add is the story also has mystery which gothic fiction includes as a category.
You are all doing extremely well.
For those I have given comments to, I hope you are taking them with a smile. This is about progress, not perfection.
We(including myself) mustn’t expect to get everything we want all of the time.
Enjoy learning, take what I say as useful suggestions, and move on. Those who’ve lost a point or two should not despair. You too are helping those who post after you. The mistakes you make allow me to point out what you (and others) can correct for the future.
This discussion will close at midnight tonight.
I chose Discussion Topic A.
The term Gothic “more largely implies a complex and persistent imaginative tradition.” ( The Gothic Novel also implies “mystery, doom, decay, old buildings with ghosts in them, madness, hereditary curses and so on.” ( “The Gothic novel offered English fiction” in “new symbolic and dramatic patterns that survived in later and greater novels,” such as the Hound of the Baskervilles. (
Some elements of gothic fiction that are present in The Hound of the Baskervilles is first you can tell that The Hound of the Baskervilles “largely implies a complex and persistent imaginative tradition.” ( It is not everyday that you know or heard of someone who is bieng attacked by a Hound, so it is deffinetly imaginative. The book, The Hound f the Baskerville, clearly states: “And even as they looked the thing
tore the throat out of Hugo Baskerville.” (The Hound of the Baskervilles, paragraph 15)
Secondly, the Gothic Novel also implies “hereditary curses and so on.” ( The book, The Hound fo the Baskervilles, states: “Such is the tale, my sons, of the coming of the hound which is said to have plagued the family so sorely ever since.” (The Hound Of the Baskervilles, Ch.2 paragraph 16). These are only two of the many ways that The Hound of the Baskervilles can be considered as a Gothic Novel.
I chose topic C.
Holmes says in the book that he is not ready to go after Stapleton yet, for Stapleton might have more tricks up his sleeve. And there are many loose ends in the book, like who is “the other man on the moor” and, of course, the hound of baskerville curse. Holmes and Watson seem focused on how to get Stapleton and protect Sir Henry and are forgeting these other factors, so ultimately there are still many conflicts left to resolve in the book itself.
One other loose end is what exactly happened to Sir Charles, which could tie Holmes’s whole case together.
I chose topic C.
Holmes says in the book that he is not ready to go after Stapleton yet, for Stapleton might have more tricks up his sleeve. And there are many loose ends in the book, like who is “the other man on the moor” and, of course, the hound of baskerville curse. Holmes and Watson seem focused on how to get Stapleton and protect Sir Henry and are forgeting these other factors, so ultimately there are still many conflicts left to resolve in the book itself.
I have Topic A,Gothic Fiction
Gothic fiction is a type of literature that was brought up in the late 18th century and early 19th century. This specific type of literature was a, unique one. “The Gothic novel is a literary genre, in which the prominent features are mystery, doom, decay, old buildings with ghosts in them, madness, hereditary curses and so on. ” ( Gothic fiction was basically like a horror novel, except with more suspense.
Most people I know, that when you mention gothic fiction, they think of Edgar Allan Poe. Poe was a “master” of creating poetic dread. He created images in peoples heads by using suspense and descriptive details. Also, when most people think of gothic novels, they think of Dracula(by Bram Stoker) and Frankenstein(by Mary Shelly).
This genre of novels applies to the Hound of the Baskervilles by showing the characteristics of a gothic novel Even though it wasn’t published in the time periods when MOST gothic novels were published. Just because this specific novel was published after the dates of which most gothic novels were published, the specific characteristics of this novel prove it to be a magnificent piece of gothic fiction! Time periods don’t matter in genres of fiction, the actual things the novel holds inside choose its genre!
My topic is Letter C : Conflict in the novel (plot)
The main conflicts in the novel are: the murder of Sir Charles Baskerville, and the search for the man following Sir Henry Baskerville.
Neither of the cases have been solved, because the lack of evidence. Even though the cases have’nt yet been resolved, they have found a bit of clues. A major clue about the follower of Sir Henry was from the taxi cab driver. He had told Holmes and Dr. Watson that the man had taken a ride in his taxi, under the name of Sherlock Holmes.
To solve a case, you need strong evidence, Both Holmes and Watson do not have much to go on for either of the cases. This is why neither conflict has been resolved!
Nicely done. Although I liked the way you were able to make specific reference to details from the book without using direct quotations, I have to say that I wanted, and require for full points, direct quotes. (-1 point). Sorry mate 🙁
Only include your first name and last initial. No whole names. (-1 point)
You were somewhat correct about one conflict when you said, “who is the one who killed Sir Charles Bskerville.” However, I would have stated it as “what” rather than “who”.
Everything else you refer to from the book are known as complications to the plot conflict. Complications are those events or details in the story that prevent the actual conflict(s) from getting resolved.
Now, what you have talked about is the first of the conflict types: person versus person
Can anyone give me an example of any of the other types of conflicts?
person versus self
person versus nature
person versus society
person versus God
Very nice work.
However, where did Mem Fox say that (name of text, page #, etc.), and where is your reference? (-1 Point for improper citation form)
I’d like to know if anyone can give me an example or two of feminine stereotypes represented in novel.
I choose topic A.
Gothic fiction is one of the many important genres in literature. It is a literary genre in which the main features are mystery, doom, decay, old buildings with ghosts in them, madness, ancestrial curses, etc.( The elements of Gothic fiction in The Hound of the Baskervilles are doom, mystery, and ancestrial curse.
The first way The Hound of The Baskervilles is a Gothic fiction is that it is a mystery.
html) The Hound of the Baskervilles, like many other Sherlock Holmes stories, is a mystery novel. Holmes and Watson are called to investigate the curse of the Baskervilles.
An ancestrial curse is another factor that is in Gothic fiction.(
themes/gothic.html) In the book, The hound is after everyone in the Baskerville family. The curse is given to any one of Baskerville blood that goes to Baskerville Hall.
Finally, it is also a Gothic fiction because it involves doom. In the book it states that anyone of Baskerville blood that sets foot upon the moor shall be doomed. The hound is the doom that they are talking about.
I Choose topic C
Conflict is the struggle between the opposing forces. There are five basic forms of conflict: person versus person, person versus self, person versus nature, person versus society, and person versus God (
In the story The Hound of The Baskervilles,
the main conflicts in the novel are, who is the one who killed Sir Charles Bskerville. Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes dont know who killed him because they dont have enough evidence on who or what killed him.
In addition, another conflict in the story is, who is following Sir Henry Baskerville. Holmes and Dr. Watson know that the person took a taxi and told the taxi driver that he was Sherlock Holmes. Thus, that is all that they know about who is the person that’s following Sir Henry.
Furthermore, another conflict that has been resolved was, about the man on the tor. The man on the tor was Sherlock Holmes. Dr. Watson found this out when he went to Mr. Franklands house. Mr. Frankland had a telescope and observed a small child bringing food towards the moor. When Watson observed the hut on the moor, he saw a hut that looked like it had been occupied by someone. When he went inside and waited for someone to comeback, to his surprise the man on the tor was Sherlock Holmes.
I chose topic B. According to Mem Fox, “Everything we read·constructs us, makes us who we are, by presenting our image of ourselves as girls and women, as boys and men”. To me that means that the way we see socitey shapes who we are and what we become. By the way people see you can make them label you. Stereotypes can be good and bad. The characters in the Hound of the Baskervilles can be stereotyped. For example, Mr. Barrymore could be stereotyped as odd and strange becuse of the things he does. An example would be that he is keeping an escaped convict (Seldon) in his backyard. Also Mr. Barrymore goes up to the window in the middle of the night and flashes at light to Seldon showing him that his food is ready. These actions could make people think that Mr. Barrymore may have issues and can’t be trusted. Clearly, the charaters in the Hound of the Baskervilles can be stereotyped.
Nice Work!!
I chose gothic fiction and here is why. The elements of gothic fiction are depicted in the Hound of the Baskervilkles in a few ways.
1. Through the type of fiction intending to revive medieval tales The Hound of the Baskervilles talks of towers in castels and desolate settings( One of these is baskerville hall because the hall is huge but normally has only a few people staying there and the moor right outside making the whole place scarrier.The other example is the moor because you can not be able to live there for it lacks water and food. This is an even scarrier place because at the dark hours of night there is what Watson described as “it was a long, low moan, indescribably sad, sweeping through the moor going up to a loud roar and back to a murmur.”
2. The storie too is hereditary for one curse sent upon the baskervilles from there elder Hugo Baskerville. This is a key part of these gothic novels( This curse says or is believed that if a Baskerville goes to the Hall then a spirit hound who killed the other Baskervilles will come after you to kill you as the curse. Therefore this is the last most important part othis story that makes it a gothic novel.
You may not use references of your own choice . . . sort of.
You may not use references that you have found on your own on the internet. You must stick with the sources I have provided such as those available through BEEP (you can find the link to BEEP under “ALL PERIODS” to the right), and the other assorted sources I list in the posted assignment.
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“So some conflicts are difficult to solve but arent.” ((unclear -1 point))
Christopher, I’m not sure what you mean by this.
Does this mean that some conflicts are difficult to solve, and then suddenly they are not difficult to solve?
Does this mean that some conflicts are difficult to solve, while others are not difficult to solve?
ALSO, you may not use WEB sources that I have not listed. If you want me to let you use sources that you pick (like, then go to the following link and do whatever is asked of you.
You may not use references of your own choice . . . sort of.
You may not use references that you have found on your own on the internet. You must stick with the sources I have provided such as those available through BEEP (you can find the link to BEEP under “ALL PERIODS” to the right), and the other assorted sources I list in the posted assignment.
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I Choose topic C
Conflict is the struggle between the opposing forces on which the action in a work of literature depends. There are five basic forms of conflict: person versus person, person versus self, person versus nature, person versus society, and person versus God (
So in the story The Hound of The Baskervilles
the main conflicts in the novel like who is the one who killed Sir Charles Bskerville the reason Dr.Watson and Sherlock Holmes dont know who killed him is because they dont have enough evidence on who or what killed him.
Another conflict in the story is who is following Sir Henry Baskerville the evidence that Holmes and Dr. Watson know is that the man took a taxi and told the taxi driver that he was Sherlock Holmes. Other than that, that is all that they know about who is the man following Sir Henry.
Another conflict that has been resolved is who the man on the tor is. The man on the tor is Sherlock Holmes the way Dr. Watson found this out is when Watson went to Mr. Franklands house Mr. Frankland had a telescope and observed a small child bringing food towards the moor. When Watson observed the huts on the moor he saw a hut that looked like it had been occupied by someone and when he went inside and waited for someone to comeback the man on the tor was Sherlock Holmes.
So some conflicts are difficult to solve but arent.
I chose Disscusion Topic-A.
Gothic fiction is an important genre in literature.
It is a literary genre in which the prominent features are mystery, doom, decay, old buildings with ghosts in them, madness, hereditary curses and so on. (etext.library.adela The elements of Gothic fiction in The Hound of the Baskervilles are the book, mystery, and hereditary curse.
The first way Gothic fiction is in The Hound of the Baskervilles is that it was made in the time period when Gothic fiction was introduced. Gothic fiction was introduced in the late 18th century and the early 19th century. (
Next, another factor in Gothic fiction is mystery.
html) The Hound of the Baskervilles, like many other Sherlock Holmes stories, is a mystery novel. Holmes and Watson are called to investigate the curse of the Baskervilles.
A Hereditary curse is another factor that is in Gothic fiction.(
themes/gothic.html) In the book, The hound is after everyone in the Baskerville family. The curse gets laid upon every Baskerville born that goes to the mansion
‘(World Wide Web)’ is not a source. You will have to be much much much more specific than that. Go to the Study Hall, and check out what I had to say to Deanna about using sources that I have not provided.
Also, please remember that Ido not ever ever ever ever accept information from (OK, I’m going to use a bad word now) Wikipedia.
Anyone who uses information directly from Wikipedia will not get credit for their work.
Anyone who uses information from acite that cites Wikipedia will not get credit for their work.
Stay away from Wikipedia for our purposes.
Last warning.