The Year of the Hangman Discussion Topics for Pages 131-186
Discussions have been closed. If you have not posted a response, you’ll have to submit a parent request for me to accept you work (1) late and (2) in your journal.
As with the last round of discussion, please adhere to the following guidelines:
FIRST, look over the various topics.
- Pick a topic from the options below (A, B, C, D, E, or F).
SECOND, when you are ready to post:
- Tell us which topic you are addressing.
- Post your response. Proofread your post before you click submit.
- Come back for discussion with others.
ADDITIONALLY? IF you want extra credit:
- Post a response to a classmates post, and/or
- Post a response to another discussion topic, and/or
- Post in the study hall for anything you need or want to help with
TOPIC A – “Stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.” – Anonymous. Creighton learns about many virtues, some of which are honor, loyalty, honesty, humility. This topic deals with honor and loyalty. In chapter 16, the narrator tells us:
“But now Creighton understood for the first time the truth of the matter: If loyalty really was the most worthy of virtues, then loyalty that was misplaced or misguided must be the most worthless.”
Ask yourself:
- What did Creighton’s father stand for? How can you take the lesson of what Creighton’s father died for and use it to grow?
- What is meant by Creighton’s realization about loyalty? How can you personally use the knowledge Creighton has gained?
- Do you stand for something that you (probably) shouldn’t? Do you stand for anything? How do poeple see what you stand for in your actions?
There are a lot of questions in this thread. Pick one to answer. No matter which one you pick, try to talk about yourself as much as possible.
TOPIC B – What is courage? Throughout the first three sections of the book, Creighton struggles to come to terms with the circumstances surrounding his father’s death. After the ransacking and burning of the print shop, General Arnold speaks to Creighton about courage:
“It’s a far more difficult thing to make up your own mind about what’s right and to act accordingly – to go against the demands of duty when it’s necessary, to take another path when you feel the one you’ve been led down is wrong. That requires real courage.”
Read one or more of the following articles: then post on the topic they present:
- FBI E-Mail Refers to Presidential Order Authorizing Inhumane Interrogation Techniques from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) website.
- TORTURE AT ABU GHRAIB as presented by The New Yorker Magazine online.
- ‘They said this is America . . . if a soldier orders you to take off your clothes, you must obey.’ as presented by Gaurdian Unlimited online.
- The Guilt-Free Soldier: New Science Raises the Specter of a World Without Regret presented by The Village Voice online.
THEN post your thoughts on the topic as presented by the author. Do you agree with the author? Why or Why not?
TOPIC C – A free press. Enemies of the Patriots’ cause felt the need to destroy the place where The Liberty Tree newspaper was printed. In your response for discussion, please address the following questions:
- What do you think this says about the power of the press?
- Can you think of a recent example in which a newspaper became a powerful tool in waging war or impacting world politics?
TOPIC D – He’s a puzzle, a riddle, an enigma! A major character in this novel is Benedict Arnold – who could possibly be one of the most interesting individuals in American History. In real life he was a hero to the Patriots, and was later hated by those same soliders. Read a little about the life of Benedict Arnold at one of the websites below.Use the following links to find information on this hot topic:
- Who Served Here? offered on the U.S. History.Org page on Historic Valley Forge
- The Enigma of Benedict Arnold an archive file of
- General Benedict Arnold from the National Park Service archives
Then return here to post some comments in response to the following questions:
- What did Benedict Arnold stand for to the Americans?
- What did Benedict Arnold stand for to the British?
TOPIC E – Right is right. Creighton makes a tough decision when he helps break his uncle out of jail. Try to put yourself in Creighton’s shoes.
- Would you have made the same choice?
- What other options did Creighton have, and what did he risk in making those decisions?
TOPIC F – A Duel! A duel becomes a major event in this portion of the novel. One of the most famous duels in American history tragically takes the life of Alexander Hamilton.Read more about the famous Burr-Hamilton duel that took place in 1804 at one of the links below.In your comment for this post, explain why you think that Burr actually shot and killed Hamilton.
- Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr’s Duel at
- Aaron Burr Kills Alexander Hamilton in a Duel offered by the National Park Service
- Duel at Dawn at theEyewitness to History website
NOW, go to the discussion areas, and discuss. Remember to be open-minded, honest, kind, and gentle in how you discuss with each other.
- Study Hall – Help others in their academic and/or creative pursuits.
- Period 2 Discussion Area
- Period 3 Discussion Area
- Period 4 Discussion Area
- Period 5 Discussion Area
- Period 6 Discussion Area
You have to go to your own classes to post your own response to a topic.
After that, I tell you what, feel free to go into other classes to post discussion with others.
What you see above is amistake on my part, usually I leave the opening screen with the assignment closed to comments so you have to go to your classes to post, etc. I forgot to set for “no comments”. My bad. 🙁
So, You have to go into class discussion areas as it states above . . .
Cheers!!! Happy postings,
Enjoy, reflect, grow .
Response to Pedro
I also believe in what you are saying. I think it is very respectful and courteous.
Topic A: Question 3 (:
I certainly stand for something, but it’s something I SHOULD be standing for. I believe in the quote “Live today as if there is no tomorrow.” This saying touches dear to my heart because a friend of mine lived by this quote and she passed away 2 years ago. Everyone should think about how lucky they are to be living in the moment they are experiencing. Some people take it for granted that we have food on our tables and houses to live in. It scares me how many people say they hate their parents or they can’t wait to get out of school because we are so lucky to have these special things in our lives when some have worse, much worse. People see what I stand for in my actions because I try to be as friendly and caring as I possibly can, because who knows?, I could be gone tomorrow…
I would like to say: Please everyone, just take a moment to think about your family and friends. The next time you see someone you love, let them know. You might not get another chance to.
I’M doing Topic A Question 3:
No i do not stand for something i should’nt but i do stand for something. I stand for Our Lord and that he is our father and that i love him. People see that i stand for jesus because when alot of people do something wrong or need help i always say that god is with them and that he is always going to help us through our problems. When people talk to me they see that im very religous and that i have god near me. That is what i stand for and that is how people can notice i stand for it.