The Hobbit Chapter 1: Vocabulary:



Personal Clue Sentence from the text Dictionary Definition
Chapter 1 Required Vocabulary
audacious (p. 16)
rune (p. 20) “Because it is too small. ‘Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast’ say the runes, but Smaug could not creep into a hole that size, not even when he was a young dragon, certainly not after devouring so many of the dwarves and men of Dale.”
abreast (p. 20) “Because it is too small. ‘Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast’ say the runes, but Smaug could not creep into a hole that size, not even when he was a young dragon, certainly not after devouring so many of the dwarves and men of Dale.”
legendary (p. 22)
obstinately (p. 22)
prudent (p. 22)
remuneration (p. 22)
necromancer (p. 26)

The Hobbit Chapter 1: Guided Reading Questions


  1. List 10 characteristics of hobbits.  Hobbits have many unique characteristics. Hobbits have many generally accepted physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental characteristics, here are a few: They have become rare and shy of the Big . . . .They are (or were) a little people, about half our height [about 3 feet tall],  and smaller than the bearded Dwarves. Hobbits have no beards . . . little or no magic about them, [they can] disappear quietly and quickly when large stupid folk like you and me come blundering along. . .  They are inclined to be fat in the stomach; they dress in bright colours (chiefly green and yellow); wear no shoes, because their feet grow natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair like the stuff on their heads (which is curly); have long clever brown fingers, good-natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs (especially after dinner, which they have twice a day when they can get it). (Tolkien, 3) Hobbits seem very human, but they only exist in Middle Earth…as far as I know.
  2. Identify the following characters as you are introduced to them in Chapter 1. You will continue to work on this information as you proceed through the book: Bilbo Baggins, Belladonna Took, Bullroarer, Bungo Baggins, Kili & Fili, Gandalf, Dwalin, Balin, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Thorin.
  3. What was unusual about the Tooks? What was unusual about the Tooks was they had a little bit of magic in them as it says in the text, “It was often said (in other families) that long ago one of the Took ancestors must have taken a fairy wife. …there was still something not entirely hobbit-like about them, – and once in a while members of the Took-clan would go and have adventures. “ (4). Basically this means that our main character, Bilbo, has a bit of an adventurous spirit in him.
  4. Why did Gandalf visit Bilbo Baggins?
  5. Who was Bilbo expecting for tea?
  6. What about his uninvited guests irked, bothered, Bilbo?
  7. What effect did the dwarves’ singing have on Bilbo?
  8. What is Gloin’s opinion of Bilbo Baggins.
  9. Identify Dale.
  10. Identify Smaug.
  11. What story did Thorin tell Bilbo?
  12. How did Gandalf get the map and key?
  13. Identify Azog the Goblin.


The Hobbit Chapter 1: Summary (SWBST)

Chapter #

& Title

Somebody Wanted But So Then
The Hobbit: Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party Bilbo, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton to chill on his front porch Gandalf came by and tricked him into an adventure dwarves showed up and they got his Took side going, and  Bilbo ended up wanting to go he fell asleep listening to them sing

The Hobbit Chapter 1: Discussion Opportunities – Pick ONE of these.


  1. What does the word hobbit make you think of? Consider this: Look at these words – rabbit, hobby, Babbit, habit, and hob. The word is probably best seen as a blend of rabbit and hob, an obsolete British word meaning “a rustic, peasant” or “sprite, elf.” Write your thoughts down to answer this question with details from the text to support your opinion. How does Bilbo resemble a rabbit in this chapter? REVISIT this topic when you finish the book. Does Bilbo still remind you of one.
  2. What is an adventure? Is it something that happens, or is it the way we react to what happens? Can we live without adventures? What is “magic”? Is there any “magic” in this book? (Return to these questions as the book progresses.)
  3. Explain all the meanings of good morning (pp. 4–5).
  4. What about adventures awakens Bilbo’s Tookish side? What causes his Baggins side to reemerge. Explain the difference between Bilbo’s Tookish side and his Baggins side. Can you relate to Bilbo’s feelings of ambivalence? Do you think everyone has similar “Tookish” and “Baggins” sides to their personalities?
  5. Even this early in the book, we can see some of the characteristics of dwarves, wizards, and dragons. Begin generating a list of the characteristics––both physical and character traits––of each of the magical creatures in The Hobbit. After you finish the book, you’ll have an opportunity to compare Tolkien’s descriptions with similar magical beings in other works of literature.



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